This class is designed to be presented at your location.  Samples for examination will be pre-made and shipped ahead of the class.  These samples will include consecutively made face milled, plunge milled, stamped, turned (lathe), and surface ground.  Additionally, further finishing techniques will be provided.  (tumbled and bead/sand blasted) All samples will be provided to the students for use for further evaluation, training, or research.  Samples will be provided based on student locations.  If two or more students are from one lab, then one set will be provided to that lab.

The class will also include new information on 80% firearms and the associated marks expected in case work and Daubert training

Larger laboratories with more comparison and stereo scopes is ideal due to the hands on evaluation of the samples.

The course is priced on a per-presentation basis.  The agency obligating is responsible for total payment.   Please contact for pricing and dates.